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Who We Are...


In 1971, Weldon Jones began molding an enthusiastic group of actors and technicians into the creatively successful Drumright Community Players. Originally, the thespians moved a temporary stage to a vacant building, hauled folding chairs in the back of pickup trucks, set up the stage, performed the play, dismantled the stage, and then returned the chairs. It was a labor of love and passion for the Players.

​Over time, the Boomtown Theater board of directors purchased two retail buildings on East Broadway Street in downtown Drumright. Its original location is unmistakable, marked by a traditional marquee that once shone brightly over Broadway. The marquee was financed through local contributions, yet the theater board faced several financial challenges after the installation, when a wall of the theater began to pull away from the 1918 building. Thankfully, the $75,000 bill to repair the structural damage was paid through existing funds and in 2009 gracious patrons made financial gifts to install comfortable new theater seats.


Each season kicked off in October, with a melodrama and old-fashioned olio that ran in conjunction with the annual Drumright Oil Patch Jamboree. Additional productions took place in November and April, including dramas, comedies, mysteries, musicals and original shows written by local talent. For more than 45 years the theater was a glorious part of Drumright, then sadly black mold was found inside the glorious piece of Drumright history, infiltrating decades of props, costumes and memorabilia. It was a devastating loss for the Players and the community.


Yet again, the Drumright Community Players were without a theater of their own.  Knowing that the show must go on, the theater received a generous gift from Larry and Kay Murphy, owners of Murphy’s Drug. What was once known as old The Citizen’s Bank, became the new Boomtown Theater! Countless hours of construction, set building, painting and rehearsing were spent preparing for the 2019 Oil Patch Jamboree! They even had to bring in chairs, just as in the beginning. The Dastardly Doctor Devereaux opened to a packed house and just like that, they were back in show business! But alas, it was not to last. Rehearsals were underway for the April 2020 show when the world stopped due to Covid-19 and just like that…well, you know the story.









As the world steps cautiously into the future, the Drumright Boomtown Theater is eager to reopen the doors and bring back some of the old theater magic! Our first goal is to open the 2023 Revival season in time for the Oilpatch Jamboree in October! Read further to see how you can help.


At Boomtown Theater, we're proud to have a team of theater veterans who are passionate about reviving the arts in Drumright. Our team includes actors, directors, and stagehands who work tirelessly to bring our productions to life. Boomtown has always been a collaborative effort and for this revival to succeed, we need your support.  Whether you’d like to try your hand at acting, set design, hair, makeup, costume design and coordination, or working the ticket booth, there are numerous opportunities to become involved. We invite you to reach out to one of our board members to discuss the possibilities of where you fit into the adventure.


Our Team

 Boomtown Theater Board

Ron Dyer, President

Michael Davis, Treasurer

Emily Warner, Secretary

Shane Bruce, Board Member

Tammy Cook, Board Member


2004 12 WW II Musical.jpg

101 Pennsylvania Avenue

Drumright, OK 74030​

Tel: 918-352-0502

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